RW-001: How To Reimagine Sleep And Work Cycles
Welcome to Reimagining Work where we challenge assumptions about what work can, and should, be in our lives.
Did you know the future of work is about more than just technology advancements? It’s also about creating healthy connections between people and work that leads to fulfillment and meaning.
So please join me on this mission of eradicating soul-sucking work!
It’s time for a reset on the Reimagining Work newsletter! It was about this time last year when I originally launched it only to fall off the wagon by publishing merely 3 editions due to time constraints and competing priorities.
But that’s changing now moving forward!
You can now expect a new edition each week with content that will be concise and pack a punch on the future of work! And I’m going to keep the formatting and structure consistent with unforgettable segments like:
The Perfect Labor Storm ⚡️
Jaw-dropping data and trends around the future of work
Weekly Connection 💡
The most important learning or unlearning from this week
The Prescription 💊
Tips and recommendations
The Journey Ahead 🔮
What’s coming soon
So, let’s get started!
Perfect Labor Storm ⚡️
According to a CDC report from September of 2022, more than 1 in every 3 Americans are sleep deprived
Research has reported that the US economy can experience up to $411 billion a year loss due to insufficient sleep. On an annual basis, the US loses an equivalent of about 1.23 million working days due to insufficient sleep.
According to the Sleep Foundation, Nurses working 12.5-hour shifts report committing more than three times as many medical errors than those working 8.5-hour shifts
According to the US News and World Report Sleep Quality Survey for 2022, here are the biggest worries keeping Americans up at night:
41% worry about inflation
39% worry about COVID
27% worry about gun violence
22% worry about climate change
22% worry about the Russia-Ukraine War
Weekly Connection 💡
Evidently, many of us suck at getting quality sleep.
Sleep is no longer a sleepy subject - especially within the context of reimagining work. The Perfect Labor Storm data above uncovered some hard truths about our sleeping patterns, or lack thereof. And one of those truths is that we’re still treating a lack of sleep as a badge of honor when it comes to work’s place in our lives.
In fact, just 2 weeks ago there were viral posts from an employee at Twitter who shared images of his manager in a sleeping bag on the floor with a sleeping mask on trying to keep up with the impulsive demands and unrealistic deadlines placed on them by the new owner, Elon Musk. Since then, roughly a thousand more employees quit their jobs at Twitter to the surprise of Musk. Turns out more people are realizing their value and refusing to be treated as a consumable resource by rich billionaires.
Which brings us back to this topic of valuing sleep instead of sacrificing it at the altar of chronic sleep deprivation.
Last week, I had sleep expert, Dr. Phil Gehrman from the University of Pennsylvania, on my top-rated podcast with Ira Wolfe (Geeks Geezers Googlization) to tackle this topic of sleep and work head on.
Here are just a few of the connections Dr. Gehrman shared:
Your sleeping patterns affect those in your household as well
Sleep isn’t just a family affair; it’s a business one too
Sleeping at work can make employees more productive
How to mitigate the negative impact of working from home on good sleep
How employers can support healthier sleeping habits through work policies
What could sleep look like in the metaverse?
How to treat insomnia with an algorithm
The full podcast episode is available on your favorite audio platforms below:
- Apple:
- Spotify:
- Amazon:
- iHeart:
The Prescription 💊
Here are some ways to reimagine work and sleep in a healthy way:
Consider establishing rules of engagement at work for managing communication expectations. Just because an email is sent after 5:00 doesn’t mean it requires a response that evening.
Don’t work where you sleep. This may mean having to move your home office out of your bedroom. Having work and sleep in the same room can send mixed signals to your brain.
Everyone has a unique circadian rhythm for preferred sleep rhythms. This means some folks aren’t naturally wired for a traditional 9-5 work schedule. Flexible work allows for schedules that more optimally align to individual sleeping patterns.
Wearables can help track your sleeping patterns and offer recommendations for improvement.
The Journey Ahead 🔮
I’m excited to officially announce the launch of a new subseries for our listeners on my top rated Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast called ‘GGG Unleashed’.
Each bite-sized episode (no longer than 15 minutes) will feature a thought leader sharing the latest research, tips, and tactics to prepare people and organizations for the Future of Work.
You can think of these episodes as mini-TedTalks (podcast style)!
Listen to the 2 minute teaser trailer below for more details: ⬇️
And soon, I’ll announce the names of these innovative and disruptive monthly thought partners!
But until then, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss these must-listen episodes of GGG Unleashed!
Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Subscribe to my top rated podcast (Geeks Geezers Googlization) concerning the Future of Work:
2. Join my virtual community (Googlization Nation) with fellow business and HR leaders focused on the Future of Work
3. Discover your Purpose in 15 minutes.
Unlock your WHY.os (WHY, HOW, & WHAT) and be who you were always meant to be!